Yoga for Pitta Season
Monica Limon Monica Limon

Yoga for Pitta Season

YOGA | Early morning yin-style asana practice, including the Moon Salutation, Tree, Bridge, Locust, Triangle, and gentle abdominal twists. The emphasis throughout your practice can be on surrendering, forgiving, softening, and being gentle with yourself. Pittas should come away from an asana practice feeling; cool, content, calm, released tension in mid-abdomen, a clear mind, emotions relaxed, and a tendency toward competitiveness and irritation should be subdued.

PRANAYAMA | Practice Shitali pranayama or left-nostril breathing to cool and calm the hot quality of pitta dosha.

MEDITATION | A regular meditation practice assists in quieting the active pitta mind, releasing anger, and allowing the sense of control to dissipate. Meditation should leave one feeling cool and calm in both mind and heart.

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Niyamas: Evolution towards harmony
Yoga Philosophy Monica Limon Yoga Philosophy Monica Limon

Niyamas: Evolution towards harmony

Yoga Sutra 11.32 : Niyamas

There is a drive in us to realize the infinite reality. The niyamas give direction to that drive. They refocus the mind on its spiritual purpose and inspire us to live a life that is less dependent upon external circumstances and more fully illumined by an inner spiritual life, discipline and mindfulness.

Evolution towards harmony

  • Saucha - Purity

  • Santosha - Contentment

  • Tapas - Self-discipline, spiritual practice

  • Svadhyaya - Self-study

  • Ishvara Pranidhana - Self-surrender

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Yama: A Reflection of our True Nature
Yoga Philosophy Monica Limon Yoga Philosophy Monica Limon

Yama: A Reflection of our True Nature

Yoga Sutra 11.30 : Yama

Reflection of our true nature is experienced through:

  • Ahimsa: reverence, love, compassion for all

  • Satya: truthfulness, integrity

  • Astheya: generosity, honesty

  • Brahmacharya: balance and moderation of the vital life force

  • Aparigraha: awareness of abundance, fulfillment

(Source: Nischala Joy Devi - The Secret Power of Yoga)

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Flowing with the Chakras
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Flowing with the Chakras

Illuminating the seven major chakras from your base to your crown.

The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Join Monica for her upcoming mini-series focusing on illuminating the chakras to flow freely throughout the body - awaken a sense of newness, wholeness, and a strong connection to the self.

Illuminating Chakra Yoga Series
Wednesdays @ 11:00am - 12:00pm
6 Week Series | May 3 - June 7, 2023

Studio: The Center Studio
Cost: 6-classes for $90
Sign Up Here

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Chakra Series: Sahasrara Chakra
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Chakra Series: Sahasrara Chakra


Crown Chakra | Sahasrara


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

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Ayurvedic Daily Self-Care

Ayurvedic Daily Self-Care

In Ayurveda, the importance of a consistent daily self-care routine (Dinacharya) can’t be underestimated. It sets the tone for your entire day, bringing a sense of calm and well-being. It gives the body, mind, and spirit the chance to ground and cleanse, to start afresh.

Create your own daily routine by implementing the following Ayurvedic healing suggestions and begin to explore any changes or benefits to your well-being.

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Chakra Series: Anja Chakra
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Chakra Series: Anja Chakra


Third Eye Chakra | Anja


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Chakras Illuminated : Root to Crown Meditation
7 - Week Series : Jan. 31-Mar 14, 2023
Tuesdays @ 10:45am

Please follow along on our journey through the chakra system. Each week I will post a new chakra with information to support your understanding of the seven major energy processing centers from root to crown.

You are welcome to join us for this class series at Yoga Loka - now until March 14, 2023. There’s still room to sign up at Yoga Loka - Or follow this blog series each week.

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Chakra Series: Vishuddha Chakra
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Chakra Series: Vishuddha Chakra


Throat Chakra | Vishuddha


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Chakras Illuminated : Root to Crown Meditation
7 - Week Series : Jan. 31-Mar 14, 2023
Tuesdays @ 10:45am

Please follow along on our journey through the chakra system. Each week I will post a new chakra with information to support your understanding of the seven major energy processing centers from root to crown.

You are welcome to join us for this class series at Yoga Loka - now until March 14, 2023. There’s still room to sign up at Yoga Loka - Or follow this blog series each week.

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Chakra Series: Anahata Chakra
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Chakra Series: Anahata Chakra


Heart Chakra | Anahata


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Chakras Illuminated : Root to Crown Meditation
7 - Week Series : Jan. 31-Mar 14, 2023
Tuesdays @ 10:45am

Please follow along on our journey through the chakra system. Each week I will post a new chakra with information to support your understanding of the seven major energy processing centers from root to crown.

You are welcome to join us for this class series at Yoga Loka - now until March 14, 2023. There’s still room to sign up at Yoga Loka - Or follow this blog series each week.

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Chakra Series: Manipura Chakra
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Chakra Series: Manipura Chakra

Please follow along on our journey through the chakra system. Each week I will post a new chakra with information to support your understanding of the seven major energy processing centers from root to crown.

You are welcome to join us for this class series at Yoga Loka - now until March 14, 2023. There’s still room to sign up at Yoga Loka - Or follow this blog series each week.


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Illuminating the seven major chakras from your base to your crown:


Solar Plexus Chakra | Manipura

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Kapha Pacifying Diet
News, Yoga Favs, Yoga & Ayurveda Monica Limon News, Yoga Favs, Yoga & Ayurveda Monica Limon

Kapha Pacifying Diet

Kapha is balanced by a diet of freshly cooked, whole foods that are light, dry, warming, well-spiced, and relatively easy to digest—ideally served warm or hot. These foods calm Kapha by balancing mucus production, regulating moisture levels, maintaining adequate heat, and by supporting proper digestion and elimination. Because Kapha is so substantive in nature, an appropriate diet is actually one of the most effective ways to reel it in. Kapha thrives on a fairly minimalistic diet with smaller meals, little to no snacking, fewer sweets, an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, a variety of legumes, little to no alcohol, and lighter fare all around. That said, finding a diet that is appropriately satisfying is crucial to your success; so it’s extremely important that you enjoy the foods that you do eat.

Emphasize Tastes | Pungent - Bitter - Astringent

Minimize Tastes | Sweet - Salty - Sour

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Chakra Series : Swadhisthana Chakra
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Chakra Series : Swadhisthana Chakra

Written By Monica Limon

Chakras Illuminated : Root to Crown Meditation
7 - Week Series : Jan. 31-Mar 14, 2023
Tuesdays @ 10:45am

Please follow along on our journey through the chakra system. Each week I will post a new chakra with information to support your understanding of the seven major energy processing centers from root to crown.

You are welcome to join us for this class series at Yoga Loka - now until March 14, 2023. There’s still room to sign up at Yoga Loka - Or follow this blog series each week.


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Illuminating the seven major chakras from your base to your crown:

CHAKRA TWO | Sacral Chakra | Swadhisthana

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Chakra Series : Muladhara Chakra
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Chakra Series : Muladhara Chakra

Feb 1

Written By Monica Limon

Chakras Illuminated : Root to Crown Meditation
7 - Week Series : Jan. 31-Mar 14, 2023
Tuesdays @ 10:45am

Please follow along on our journey through the chakra system. Each week I will post a new chakra with information to support your understanding of the seven major energy processing centers from root to crown.

You are welcome to join us for this class series at Yoga Loka - now until March 14, 2023. There’s still room to sign up at Yoga Loka - Or follow this blog series each week.


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Illuminating the seven major chakras from your base to your crown:

CHAKRA ONE | Root Chakra | Muladhara


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Who do you want to be?
Yoga Philosophy Monica Limon Yoga Philosophy Monica Limon

Who do you want to be?

Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I” or “Who do I want to be?” It’s an interesting question to ponder. I have been leaning into this personal inquiry when I sit in meditation or right before I fall asleep. The fascinating thing I find is that there are really no boundaries holding me back from unleashing my imagination. When I give myself permission to play with the endless possibilities of who I want to be, all sorts of fun and surprising ideas begin to pop into my consciousness. I like to think these spontaneous whispers of insight and inspiration are really coming from the essence of my true and authentic Self.

By stepping out of the shadows of the typical labels we attach to that define who we are…such as mother, sister, wife, friend, yoga teacher, graphic designer…there’s another dimension or layer that reveals our true Self. This layer or sheath of the body is called the Bliss body or Anandamaya Kosha and it’s the deepest and subtlest of all five koshas in the mind and body. This level of consciousness relates to the essence of your true self or nature, which is perfection. Transcending all five sheaths can lead to a state of samadhi, or unity between individual and universal consciousness. This is said to be pure bliss or joy.


Get to Know the 5 Koshas—And Learn More About Yourself

Explore the layers of your body and soul to find your inner core of goodness.


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Flowing with the Chakras
Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon Chakra Yoga & Meditation Monica Limon

Flowing with the Chakras

Illuminating the seven major chakras from your base to your crown.

The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Join Monica for her upcoming mini-series focusing on illuminating the chakras to flow freely throughout the body - awaken a sense of newness, wholeness, and a strong connection to the self.

Chakras Illuminated | Root to Crown Meditation (45min.)
Tuesdays @ 10:45am - 11:30am
7 Week Series | Jan 31 - Mar 14

Studio: Yoga Loka Reno
Sign Up Here:

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Experience the Beauty of the Breath
Pranayama Monica Limon Pranayama Monica Limon

Experience the Beauty of the Breath


“Pranayama is to Yoga, what the heart is to the human body.” - B.K.S. Iyengar

Pranayama or breath control is an important bridge between the outward practices of yoga, like the asanas, and the inward surrendering yogic practices. It is a link between the mind and body; between the conscious and unconscious. By focusing on the breath the mind becomes calm and balanced.

The practice of Pranayama controls the mind and slows the breath so that the higher life-force can manifest. It consists of deepening and extending the prana or life-force until it leads to a condition of peace.

Join Monica for her upcoming mini-series to help master breathing techniques to reset, refresh, and relax the mind.

Inspired Breathing & Chanting for Meditation
Thursdays @ 10:45am - 11:30am
5 Week Series | Feb. 2 - Mar 2

Studio: Yoga Loka Reno
Sign Up Here:

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Ayurvedic Tips for Vata Season
Yoga & Ayurveda Monica Limon Yoga & Ayurveda Monica Limon

Ayurvedic Tips for Vata Season

Embrace excellent health, creativity, and freedom this fall/winter!

The common translation of vata is “that which moves things.” Vata is often referred to as the vayu (wind) in the body, and it is the primary motivating force of the doshas—without it, the other doshas are unable to move. Vata is dry, light, cold, rough, subtle/pervasive, mobile, and clear.

According to Ayurveda, Vata is responsible for our mental and physical adaptability. It is the energizing force of the body and mind, and it governs our nervous system, our bones, and our senses of touch and hearing. During the early fall and winter, Vata can accumulate in the colon, low spine, hips, thighs, bones, and nerves manifesting within the body as constipation, flatulence, dry skin, insomnia, arthritis or sciatica. The key to pacify Vata is to remain grounded, warm and stable. When out of balance emotionally, the light quality of Vata provokes fear, anxiety, loneliness and insecurity. When Vata is in balance, the Vata person experiences excellent health, stability, creativity, and freedom.

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Ayurvedic Tips for Pitta Season
Yoga & Ayurveda Monica Limon Yoga & Ayurveda Monica Limon

Ayurvedic Tips for Pitta Season

Celebrate all things cool, calm and peaceful this Summer!

During the summer, pitta can accumulate as inflammation in the stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and small intestines. The key to pacifying pitta is to remain cool, calm, and peaceful. When it’s out of balance, you might arouse aggression, irritability, anger, hatred, judgment, criticism, and jealousy. When pitta is in balance, digestion and metabolism are strong and you feel passionate, joyful, and courageous.

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Kapha Season is a Time to Rejuvenate and Renew
Monica Limon Monica Limon

Kapha Season is a Time to Rejuvenate and Renew


Practice yoga in the early morning hours of Kapha (6–10am) to help keep you more energized and motivated throughout the day. The best asanas for Kapha are invigorating standing poses, backbends and twists to open up the chest and circulate prana throughout the body. Try maintaining your asanas for up to 20 breaths and move through your flow sequences quickly (though always with conscious awareness) to lighten and warm your body. Stimulating and heat-building asanas are excellent for the prevention and treatment of congestive conditions like bronchitis and pneumonia as well as constrictive conditions such as asthma and emphysema.

One should come away feeling; warm, invigorated, light, energized circulation, lungs and chest open, mind and senses should be sharp and clear, emotional heaviness released and forgotten...feeling rejuvenated for meditation.

To learn more about yoga and Ayurveda, join me for my weekly classes at Yoga Loka.

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