Chakra Series : Muladhara Chakra

Chakras Illuminated : Root to Crown Meditation
7 - Week Series : Jan. 31-Mar 14, 2023
Tuesdays @ 10:45am

Please follow along on our journey through the chakra system. Each week I will post a new chakra with information to support your understanding of the seven major energy processing centers from root to crown.

You are welcome to join us for this class series at Yoga Loka - now until March 14, 2023. There’s still room to sign up at Yoga Loka - Or follow this blog series each week.


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Illuminating the seven major chakras from your base to your crown:


Root Chakra | Muladhara

Sanskrit: ‘Mul’ means root, and ‘adhara’ to support.

Element: Earth

Color: Red

Bija Mantra: Lam

Mudra: Jnana Mudra

Meditation: Wheels of Life - pg. 55

Yantra: A yantra is a sacred geometry symbol developed from ancient wisdom that represents the divine energy of the universe. The word “yantra” comes from the Sanskrit root “yam. ” The literal meaning is “to control, bind, curb, or influence.” Yantras are tools for meditation, mantra recitation, and prayer, helping to focus on intentions harmoniously and channel the universe’s energy into the body.

  • Color: Red.

  • Petals: 4

  • Symbol: Circle with four petals with a downward pointing triangle.

  • Bija mantra: LAM

  • Mythological animal: A white elephant with seven trunks

  • Deity: Brahma, Dakin, Ganesha

Affirmations: I am safe and grounded. I have a right to be here. I am at home, wherever I am. I deserve to be safe at all times. I have everything I need. I trust in the good of the world. I am free of fear and anxiety. I am at home in my body. I am strong, steady, and grounded. I am always supported and protected.

Embodiment: The Muladhara chakra is found at the pelvic floor. It is our tap root and keeps us grounded into embodied reality, physically strong and secure. This chakra governs your family ties and feelings of survival, belonging, and guardedness. Your earliest memories are stored in the muladhara chakra, including whether or not your basic needs were met. The root chakra holds our instinctual urges around food, sleep, sex, and survival. It is also the realm of our avoidances and fears.

Deficient (Tamas): Low energy in this chakra can leave you feeling unhinged or disconnected from your job, family, and true self.

Excessive (Rajas): Root chakra, you get easily angry and frustrated by people and situations. You will have an obsession and possessiveness about money. You will be stuck in your everyday routine, in a job or in things that no longer serve you. It will be difficult for you to let go of any of them.

Balanced (Sattva): You feel secure and confident of your capabilities to provide your basic needs. You will take decisions with ease as you are grounded. You will experience prosperity in your life.


  1. Wheels of Life | The Classic Guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith

  2. Eastern Body Western Mind | Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith

  3. Chakra Yoga by Anodea Judith

  4. Chakras | Seven Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body by Anodea Judith

  5. Charge and the Energy Body by Anodea Judith

  6. Chakra Yoga | Balancing Energy for Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Well-Being by Alan Finger

  7. Chakras | Energy Centers of Transformation by Harish Johari

  8. Roots of Yoga by James Mallinson and Mark Singleton

  9. Yoga of the Subtle Body | A Guide to the Physical and Energetic Anatomy of Yoga by Tias Little

  10. Chakra Mantras | Liberate Your Spiritual Genius Through Chanting by Thomas Ashley-Farrand

  11. Tantra | The Path of Ecstasy by Georg Feuerstein

  12. The Serpent Power | The Secrets of Tantric & Shaktic Yoga by Arthur Avalon

  13. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga by C.G. Jung

  14. Mudras | Yoga in the Hands by Gertrud Hirschi


Chakra Series : Swadhisthana Chakra


Who do you want to be?