Ayurvedic Daily Self-Care

In Ayurveda, the importance of a consistent daily self-care routine (Dinacharya) can’t be underestimated. It sets the tone for your entire day, bringing a sense of calm and well-being. It gives the body, mind, and spirit the chance to ground and cleanse, to start afresh.

Create your own daily routine by implementing the following Ayurvedic healing suggestions and begin to explore any changes or benefits to your well-being.


Wake Up at the Same Time | Keeping to a scheduled wake up time gets your body and mind set in a rhythm to gracefully begin your daily activities. Scrape the tongue, brush the teeth, swish and gargle with oil, drink warm water, and splash cold water on the eyes and face.

  • Scrape Tongue: Use a tongue cleaner to remove the bacteria-filled coating on the tongue and to stimulate the digestive system.

  • Brush Teeth: Traditional Ayurvedic toothpastes are bitter, astringent and/or soothing in nature, like neem and licorice.

  • Drink Warm Water: Drinking a glass of warm water cleanses and awakens the digestive tract, hydrates the tissues, and encourages a bowel movement.

  • Oil Pull: Swishing and gargling with warm sesame oil helps strengthen the teeth, gums, jaw, and voice, while improving the sense of taste. Swish it in your mouth for 5 minutes, or for as long as 15 minutes.

  • Rinse Face, Mouth, and Eyes: A splash of cool water is soothing and rejuvenating to the face, mouth, and eyes. It brings a sense of freshness to the body and mind.

Eliminate | A bowel movement each morning is a sign of a healthy digestive system. If you are not eliminating daily, be sure your diet includes of plenty of fluids and fiber. And to support regular bowel movements, try taking triphala at night (see evening routine).

Self-Massage (Abhyanga), Ear Lubrication, and Nasal Lubrication

  • Self -Massage: This is a profound practice of rejuvenation and loving self-care. Performing a self-massage with warm oil calms the nervous system lubricates and rejuvenates and promotes healthy circulation. Daily Massage Oil is a good choice for abhyanga.

  • Ear Lubrication: Place a few drops of warm oil in each ear.

  • Nasal Lubrication (Nasya): Place a few drops of Nasya Oil in the nose.

Bathe | Showering will cleanse the body and bring energy and alertness to the being. If you have done a self-massage, rinsing the skin with warm water will generally suffice to remove excess oil.

Self-Enhancing Practice | Take some time for a self-enhancing practice. This can be meditation, pranayama (breath techniques), yoga, journaling, prayer, or other activities that bring well-being to your spirit and mind. The more you allow for these types of practices, the greater the benefits.


Eat Regular Meals

  • Irregular meals and excessive snacking can weaken the digestive fire.

  • Whenever possible, consume your largest meal at noon (lunch time). This is when your digestive fire is at its strongest, and you will be able to derive the most nutrition from your meal.

  • Favor warm, cooked meals, in accordance with the doshas you want to balance and the season.

  • Focus on eating without any distractions.


Take Triphala (2 Tablets) with Warm Water, 1 Hour Before Sleep | Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic formula and is revered for its unique ability to gently cleanse and detoxify the digestive tract while replenishing, nourishing, and rejuvenating the tissues. It supports healthy elimination upon waking in the morning.

Keep a Regular Bedtime | Having a scheduled bedtime trains the body to know that it is time to wind-down and recuperate.

Promoting Healthy Sleep | If you want to support healthy deep sleep, consider a warm bath, a warm glass of milk with nutmeg and cardamom.


Chakra Series: Sahasrara Chakra


Chakra Series: Anja Chakra