Chakra Series: Sahasrara Chakra


The seven chakras are energy centers in our bodies that energy flows through. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead to emotional or physical illness. It’s important to know where your chakras are located, what they represent, and how you can keep the energy flowing through them.

Illuminating the seven major chakras from your base to your crown:


Crown Chakra | Sahasrara

Sanskrit: Thousand Petal Lotus

Element: Cosmic Energy

Color: Violet or White

Bija Mantra: Silent AUM

Mudra: Mahamayuri Mudra

Meditation: Wheels of Life - pg. 315

Affirmation: I am connected to the divine. I am one with all that is. I am spiritually awake and aware. I live my life with purpose and intention. I am open to new spiritual experiences. My connection to the divine is solid and clear.

What is it? The seventh of the chakras, the crown chakra, connects to beauty itself and the spiritual realm. It helps you to understand who you are beyond your physical self—that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. This chakra links us to everything that is beyond our ego. It is everything that lies beyond our linear intellect and personal needs, preferences and emotional experiences. It is the gateway and source point into enlightenment. The crown chakra is not located in the body but actually hovers above the crown of the head.

Deficient (Tamas): Low crown energy leads to depression, a sense of disconnection from life, and a lack of compassion.

Excessive (Rajas): Signs of too much crown energy include materialism and rigid self-identity.

Balanced (Sattva): In balance, this chakra maintains your self-awareness, wisdom, and connection to the inner compass that guides you to your highest self.


  1. Wheels of Life | The Classic Guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith

  2. Eastern Body Western Mind | Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith

  3. Chakra Yoga by Anodea Judith

  4. Chakras | Seven Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body by Anodea Judith

  5. Charge and the Energy Body by Anodea Judith

  6. Chakra Yoga | Balancing Energy for Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Well-Being by Alan Finger

  7. Chakras | Energy Centers of Transformation by Harish Johari

  8. Roots of Yoga by James Mallinson and Mark Singleton

  9. Yoga of the Subtle Body | A Guide to the Physical and Energetic Anatomy of Yoga by Tias Little

  10. Chakra Mantras | Liberate Your Spiritual Genius Through Chanting by Thomas Ashley-Farrand

  11. Tantra | The Path of Ecstasy by Georg Feuerstein

  12. The Serpent Power | The Secrets of Tantric & Shaktic Yoga by Arthur Avalon

  13. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga by C.G. Jung

  14. Mudras | Yoga in the Hands by Gertrud Hirschi


Flowing with the Chakras


Ayurvedic Daily Self-Care